Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Nissan Maxima 6th Generation Black Rims

Hooking up your car or pimping your ride doesn't always mean a whole bunch of after market stuff. Alot of times many simple things can make your car look sick specially the Rims. Yes in many cases just installing the best rims on your car can do it all for you and you need nothing else. Below is the nissan maxima 6th generation black color with after market tail lights and rims.

Nissan Maxima aftermarket tail lights
nissan maxima 6th generation interior
nissan maxima front/side view with the best rims
nissan maxima rims
nissan maxima after market tail lights


  1. What kind of rims are those, where can i find them

  2. Hey, i am also curious to know where these rims are available?

  3. I also am curious to know what kind of rims those are.. Also do you think those are 18" or 20" Rims?

  4. Yes what size are those rims and what make???

  5. i want to kno what kind of rims those are too

  6. Do you really think they are 18" Duh

  7. dam those are sexy rims can you tell me what size and type they are please
